Become a Member
Stellar Donor Circle Membership
Cinefemme is committed to empowering women filmmakers as they blaze a path forward in the industry and arts. Our Stellar Donor Circle directly fosters and supports our potent community of rising stars.
Our esteemed Stellar Donor Circle members are benefactors of Cinefemme, supporting our vision of creating an everlasting legacy for women filmmakers. We are eternally grateful and cannot do it without your generous support.
In addition to all standard membership perks, Stellar Donor Circle Members will receive a tax-deductible receipt for their donation. We recommend each donor consult with their tax advisor to determine their individual eligibility, as it varies from case to case. Cinefemme does NOT provide tax advice.
All Stellar Donor Circle Members will receive 2 tickets to all Cinefemme ticketed events, shout-outs on Cinefemme’s official social media, and special acknowledgment on the Cinefemme website. Stellar Donor Circle Members can also choose to remain anonymous.
Mercury Level 
Your generosity is like quicksilver. Standard membership perks, tickets to all Cinefemme ticketed events, social media shout-outs, website acknowledgment, plus eligible for tax-deductible donation (consult your tax advisor for your individual eligibility at this level).
Platinum Level 
You’re a real gem. Standard membership perks, tickets to all Cinefemme ticketed events, social media shout-outs, website acknowledgment, plus eligible for tax-deductible donation (consult your tax advisor for your individual eligibility at this level).