Deanna Schultz

As the daughter of an Air Force officer, Deanna Schultz constantly moved around the globe. She considers it a unique opportunity to have grown up in an environment in which she learned first‐hand about the world, not having to rely solely on a text book.
Born as Deanna Elaine Reyes-Ramirez, she is the oldest of four siblings.
As a young adult living in Europe, she started to see the world from a different perspective, one that would propel her into the world broadcast journalism.
While in her last year of college in Germany with the University of Maryland, University College, she interned with the Armed Forces Network. Since then she has become an award‐winning, multi‐lingual journalist, working in both English and Spanish news markets. And, is now CEO and Co‐founder of D & G PRODUCTIONS. Using her talents and skills, Deanna's mission is to empower people through creative activism, specifically documentaries delivering messages that inspire dialogue and action.