A cake-baking shut-in, the nasty neighbor, and an unsympathetic supervisor stand in the way of Danielle getting “the good stuff” of regular employment. When an invasion of personal space turns deadly, Danielle has to make a decision: It’s her or them.
In satire, chaos is never far away. We want to give audiences a glimpse of the visceral anxiety that marks the experience of being a “just a temp.”
Kate Kaminski has been making films in Maine since the early 90s and has taught filmmaking, screenwriting, and film studies for 20 years. She and Gitgo partner Betsy Carson have collaborated on four DIY feature films, a 53-episode web series, and dozens of short fiction and nonfiction films that have screened all over the world. Kaminski founded the Bluestocking Film Series, Maine’s women in film event from 2011–2018. She also founded and currently runs Fem.Cine.Anarchy, a popup celebration of female-driven short films by women directors, now going into its 6th year. Most recently, Kaminski wrote and directed “Séance on a Tuesday Afternoon,” a live comedy performance that premiered at PortFringe 2019. The play won Audience Choice and Critic’s Choice awards. She holds degrees from University of Texas at Austin and Boston University.