Bring Me an Avocado


In a fateful event, Robin crosses paths with a panicky teenager who tries to rob her at gunpoint,

leaving her in a coma and her family in shock. Struggling to provide normalcy for her kids, they

enter a bizarre vacation state that unravels as time passes and they are forced to face their grief.


Mission of Project:

Bring Me an Avocado aims to reframe how we view grief and trauma by pulling the curtain on

the story of a family living in the aftermath of gun violence. When we hear about these

traumatic incidents in the news, the information we receive is sensationalized and the subject

quickly becomes a political debate that focuses on the actual use of weapons. Victims are -

rightfully so - left to grieve privately. But that leaves society with an erroneous idea of what that

grief is like. Grief is often envisioned as a sad, delicate, even graceful process. But it isn’t. Mental

health is complicated and processing grief can be expressed in violence, fear, anger, and other

controversial behaviors. We strive to increase awareness of the many behaviors that accompany

trauma and reframe the discourse to normalize the experience and increase support through a

better understanding.



Director Bio:

Maria Mealla is a Bolivian filmmaker based out of San Francisco, California. She ventured into

movie-making in 2010, telling stories with talented filmmakers under the production name "Sad

Clown Films". She has since written, produced and directed feature film Women and Cigarettes ,

a collection of romantic short films titled Business Affairs , and a handful of short films portraying

lower-middle class millennials. Maria is currently working on her next feature film, Bring Me an

Avocado , a drama that follows a family in the aftermath of gun violence. She is an active

member of Scary Cow , a Bay Area film co-op that allows filmmakers to share their skills to

complete passion projects through work-trade, and the chapter head of the SF CineFemme

Director's Collective. Her favorite foods are hot dogs and mashed potatoes and she is of average





Cinefemme's Federal Tax EIN Number is 52-237-4579.  Our address is 1014 Broadway #477in Santa Monica, CA.  Donations to this project can be made via the donation button above, through a charitable fund, or by check.  Checks should be made out to Cinefemme and have "Bring Me An Avocado" written in the memo section.  Checks must be mailed to:


1014 Broadway #477

Santa Monica, CA  90401

Bring Me an Avocado